2 Ducati green frames petrol tanks

Classic motorcycle export markets add to demand

Classic motorcycle export markets add to demand in an already demanding market hungry for investment grade classic motorcycles. Historically the UK has been importing classic motorcycles from the USA, mainland Europe and Japan. However these markets have now woken up… Read more »
Two Foggys side by side

Two Ducati 916 SPS Foggy Replicas examination

These two Ducati 916 SPS Foggy Replicas examination is meant to inform, this article is not designed to criticise anyone. These two shiny examples came in to be examined and to ensure that they are both investment grade. They were… Read more »
Square case motor

Classic motorcycles outstrip inflation

Classic motorcycles outstrip inflation and continue to do so even in these challenging times. Classic motorcycle investment has always outstripped inflation because as the cost of living goes up, so does inflation, so does the number of investors seeking safe… Read more »
What to do with crypto profits

What to do with Crypto profits

What to do with Crypto profits after great gains is the difference between a successful investor and an unsuccessful investor. We live in an unstable world which delivers twists and turns we could never have imagined, however this also offers… Read more »
1975 Ducati 900SS LHS front

Classic motorcycle price drivers

Classic motorcycle price drivers are quite simple- supply and demand. However, the supply and the demand have quite interesting factors behind them and when you study them, as we do, it's plain to see that there's plenty of headroom for… Read more »